Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Self Portrait 2: Stranger

I'm a fairly quiet, introverted person for the most part, but try to make great effort to be at least somewhat confident, and try very hard to be friendly and personable. I've even put myself into a field that forces me to be outgoing and talkative. In this image I tried to show myself as the quiet, tired, and kind of boring person I feel like I am.

However, when going through the photographs taken during this shoot, I was really interested by this close-up shot (most of them were shoulders and up) because I almost don't recognize myself in it, which I think actually describes what I felt was the hardest part of this whole assignment for me: I don't really know what I see myself as. Most of my effort is put into trying to secure how others see me, to the point that who I think I am kind of got lost in the shuffle. So no, my original intention was not very successful, but I think I stumbled upon a better one.